In this course, you will learn about the language and culture of ancient Greece. And have fun doing it! This course fulfills the requirement for GE 2A; it fulfills the CoP Language Requirement if taken with GREK 11B Course ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:• Explain and utilize a basic understanding of the grammatical structure of the Greek language • Read and recognize basic ancient Greek vocabulary • Appreciate ancient Greek culture, literature, and history as learned through study of the language • Read aloud, write, and translate simple paragraphs in ancient Greek • Enjoy and have fun while doing all of that! Textbooks
AssignmentsAttendance and participation
Disruptive or disrespectful behavior (including being late, surfing the net during class, text-messaging during class, being rude to fellow students, etc.) will lower participation and attendance grades. Presentation Quizzes Exams Note: copies of student work may be retained to assess how the learning objectives of the course are being met. Grading and EvaluationClass participation will be graded according to the following criteria. More than three absences, or disruptive/disrespectful behavior will result in lower grades. A: Reserved for excellence. Exams will receive percentage grades with corresponding letter grades. Quizzes will receive a cumulative percentage grade (with corresponding letter grade) for the semester; the lowest three grades (including zeros) will be dropped before averaging. Final course grades will be calculated as follows:
A student who does not take all three exams cannot pass the course. Policy on Make-ups, Extensions, and Late Assignments Students with an emergency or an extended illness potentially leading to multiple excused absences should contact the professor to make alternative arrangements for class work as soon as possible. Athletes, debaters, etc., should provide me with a copy of their schedule of conflicts at the beginning of the semester and discuss alternate arrangements for class work. Academic IntegrityI take academic integrity very seriously. As your professor, I pledge to be honest with you, and I hope that you will do the same for me as well as your peers. Students are expected to understand and follow the University’s Honor Code at I encourage any student with questions about academic integrity, plagiarism, or the Honor Code to ask me for clarifications. For this course, academic dishonesty includes any violations covered by the Honor Code (including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and lying to receive a higher grade), as well as submitting one’s own prior work for a new assignment—prior work from this course or another course, and prior work in whole or in part. (Specifically assigned revisions to paper drafts are exempt.) We will discuss plagiarism and citations in class. Any alleged or suspected violations will be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs. All students who violate the Honor Code will receive a minimum penalty of a zero for the assignment or exam; a serious violation will merit failure of the course. ResourcesLibrary Resources
Any student with a physical disability or with a learning disability needing accommodations should register with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities, in Bannister Hall. The office will assist with any needed accommodations. Please see me at the beginning of the semester to discuss needs for this course. The OSSD website is |