Study Guide:  New Kingdom Funerary Practices


Valley of the Kings
Valley of the Queens
Book of the Dead
Thutmose I
Deir el Medina (what it was, who lived there, what we know about life/religion there – we will continue with it the following week)
20D looting of royal necropolis

We will finish up on mortuary temples in class, then discuss Valley of the Kings, then the Book of the Dead.
Study tips & discussion questions:

1)  Be prepared to present the two articles you read about the Valley of the Kings online to the class.

2) Read the spells from the Book of the Dead carefully.

* What are these spells trying to accomplish?  And to whom to they speak?


* For whom are these spells written?  What do these spells tell us about the kind of afterlife this population expects or hopes to have?

* As you read them, compare them to other tomb inscriptions we’ve read (Pyramid texts, Coffin Texts, autobiographies, and other inscriptions on funerary stelae).  How are they similar or different to what we’ve read from the OK & MK?



3) What must life have been like in Deir el Medina for the people who built the Valleys of the Kings and Queens?