About the Course Your Prof Requirements Schedule Grading Academic Integrity Field Trip Sakai

Grading & Evaluation

All papers and exams must be submitted anonymously. Please put only your Pacific ID number on your paper or exam.

A Reserved for excellence. The assignment, paper, exam, class participation, etc., demonstrates all the qualities of a B and demonstrates originality or complexity in thinking.

B Assignments, exams, and papers fulfill all the requirements of the assignment and demonstrate strong competency in the course material. Essay exams and papers also demonstrate critical, analytical thinking about the material in the course, and provide a clear argument and thesis (where required) with documentation. (Essays and papers are neither simple summaries of the readings/films/etc. nor personal reflection ungrounded in the course material.)
Typed assignments are well proof-read, with clear prose and accurate grammar.
Participation and Reading Responses demonstrate preparation and critical thinking about the material. For class participation, students provide quality questions and comments AND listen and respond where appropriate to the professor and fellow students.

C Assignments, exams, papers, participation, and Reading Responses demonstrate preparation and competency in the course material but are deficient in one of the key elements of B quality assignments, etc.

D Shows little competency in the subject or is missing more than one key element of B quality assignments, etc.

F Demonstrates little to no competency in the subject matter and/or is missing several elements of B quality assignments, etc.

See specific course assignments for more information on the evaluation of each assignment.


Policy on Make-ups, Extensions, and Late Assignments

Papers other assignments submitted late will be penalized one letter grade per 24-hour period late. (E.g., an “A” quality paper that was due Wednesday in class but was submitted on Thursday at 9 am will receive an B; if submitted at 5 pm Thursday, it will receive a C.)
Students who miss an in-class exam or other graded in-class assignment will receive a zero.
Extensions on assignments and rescheduling in-class presentations/discussion facilitations will be provided only in emergencies (e.g., death in the immediate family, severe illness, etc.) or unavoidable conflicts with another required university commitment (such as an athletic competition) with advance notice. Students with an emergency should contact the professor to make alternative arrangements immediately.
Students must complete all papers and exams to pass the course.


Percentage to Letter Grade Conversion

93-100 A
90-92.9 A-
87-89.9 B+
83-86.9 B
80-82.9 B-
77-79.9 C+
73-76.9 C
70-72.9 C-
67-69.9 D+
60-66.9 D
0-59.9 F


Final Course Grades

Final course grades will be calculated as follows:
Quality class participation and attendance 15%
Exam 1 17.5%
Exam 2 17.5%
Essay 1 17.5%
Essay 2 17.5%
Field Trip Paper 7.5%
Reading Quizzes 7.5%