News and events

A schedule of upcoming lectures, speaking engagements, and events. Plus other news.

To schedule a speaking engagement, guest lecture in a course, other event, or consultancy, please email me at ctschroeder [at] ou [dot] edu.

Lectures and Workshops



Western Washington University Distinguished Speaker Series
2 March


New Approaches to Asceticism in Late Antiquity: A Conference in Honor of David Brakke
“Reconsidering “the morals of their time”: Violence, Late Antique Monastic Leadership, and Modern Historiography”
Louisiana State University
15-17 February



University of Oklahoma Gender and Justice Lecture Series
"Monks and Their Children"
Norman, Oklahoma
17 November


IEEE VIS 2022 Conference on Data Visualization: Vis4DH Workshop
Coptic Scriptorium Lightning Talk
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


International Association of Coptic Studies International Congress
Multiple talks and workshops on girls in early monasticism and on Coptic Scriptorium
Brussels, Belgium


North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting
Workshop on Coptic Scriptorium
Online tutorials available
Chicago, Illinois

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